How Food can Increase Body Pain
In today’s blog we will hear from another one of our medical partners. Our nutritionist will discuss how the foods we digest can increase pain in the body. At Dynamic Fitness & Rehabilitation we believe in healing the body from the inside out, so we have partners with Fast Food healing to aid in our rehabilitation process.
Over and over, I have witnessed clients come through the door expounding on how much less pain...or no pain...they have since getting off gluten. There are many reasons for this new, popular issue of gluten intolerance. The biggest reason is our digestive tracts have been compromised by the endless array of antibiotics used in our meat industry as well as few people getting through life without several doses of antibiotics. We also know that Roundup, the weed killer has a negative effect on our digestion enabling us to become more reactive (think inflamed) to foods we eat all the time.
It’s important to know that if you are going to try gluten free, you MUST only eat whole, gluten free foods, not the highly processed cookies and breads that are on the market. You will see below in my trial diet that you need to avoid all breads, crackers, pasta, sauces, anything with wheat, flour, semolina or gluten as an ingredient to see if they are a contributing factor.
I have watched a client eat some bread and within 5-10 minutes start rubbing her thumb because the arthritic-like pain came on that quickly. Gluten is a big player in all inflammation.
This is our number one culprit for ALL illness, inflammation, pain, depression, anxiety in our country. Look at what I recommended to eat for a week above. This also eliminates sugar. I promise that not only will your pain be less, you will feel fabulous at the end of the 7 days. More energy, better sleep, better bowel movements...and less pain.
For some folks, milk-derived foods can create inflammation in their body due to maldigestion. There is a long story behind why our dairy has become so reactive but suffice it to say that the way we feed and raise our dairy cattle in this country does not create a healthy food. It’s worth a try to leave it out of your diet for 7 days to see if it makes a difference.
Ten percent of the population react to this group of food with pain. The pain mimics arthritis. Foods in this category are tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and green, red, yellow peppers. My pain free diet below excludes those, as well.
Our food industry feeds us an abundance of the wrong oils, (as they are cheap). All of these oils are inflammatory. This is another reason to leave all processed foods on the shelf and just bring home simple, whole foods. I have watched many clients have miraculous dissolving of pain by getting off all processed foods and adding cod liver oil to their routine.
Just one teaspoon of cod liver oil daily can make a huge difference in arthritic pain and any other pain caused by inflammation. Make sure to get a very high quality cod liver oil, naturally fermented and from very pristine fish livers. The brand I prefer is Rosita. It’s worth it to start this right away, as sometimes, that’s all you need!
To read this blog in full and try the one week -PAIN TRIAL DIET click the link to be taken to the challenge. To find out more about our partnership with Sarah Bingham and how we can help you check out our Home page or contact Sarah at Dynamic Fitness & Rehabilitation is located in Tampa Florida.
Sarah Bingham has more than thirty-seven year’s experience helping clients throughout the country reach their desired level of wellness. She is the co-author of Food Allergies: A self help guide and holds a master’s degree in Food Science and Nutrition from the University of Massachusetts. She is a Certified Nutrition Consultant, a Certified GAPS Practitioner, and is a licensed dietitian in the state of Florida.